Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Visual Thinking Research

There are four snakes interwoven in a cross-like shape. Each one of a different color: black, blue, green and red. The challenge is to spot the shortest of them.

ME: I thought it was the green snake one since it only occupied the bottom left corner of the picture, while the red and black snakes had a greater expansion.

ROOMMATE: My roommate thought it was the blue snake since it only occupied the top left corner of the picture, she also saw the red and black snakes as the most prominent ones.

ANSWER: The red snake, consisting of eleven bends only, is the shortest.

My roommate and I were stunned to find out that the red one was the shortest because both of us thought that it was one of the longest. We came to conclude that since the red snake is the only solid one in color, it jumps out at you more than the rest; while the others you have to rely on closure to follow them around. 

Which shape from the A-E options should be placed instead of the question mark in order to
complete the sequence?

ME: I thought it was D since the red and green box make a triangle and the yellow and blue box make a square so if you pull all four together it makes half of a house and that's what square D showed.

ROOMMATE: My roommate actually got this one right, she was able to see the number pattern once she stepped back and saw the puzzle as a whole and not focus her attention on the individual boxes, which I thought was in interesting method.

ANSWER: Removing some unnecessary parts of the square outlines one can spot digits hidden in them - 1, 2, 3 and 4. The next one should be, obviously, 5. The E shape is the
one which hides 5 in it. Thus, it should be chosen in order to complete the sequence.

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