THE DOT: Being the most predominant and simplest form in nature, the dot is active in this example because it's what it is used to make up the picture. Much like TV dots work, these dots are used in the same way, where each dot contains a gradient that makes up part of the picture and once each individual dot is gathered and put together with the rest, they all make up one big picture. This is achieved by placing each dot after the next, side to side and up and down, so the eye could read one whole picture instead of just individual dots. Although, in this design, the dots are not placed right after the other. There's a small gap in between each, which is part of the design aesthetic since you are able to see the white gaps in between. Thus, the eye doesn't see one solid picture because that's not the intention of the design. However, the overall picture still reads as one even with the white gaps in between each of the dots. This only shows to tell, how powerful dots can really be if used correctly.
THE LINE: Described as a dot in motion, the line is active in this example because it is being used as a pre-visualization tool to sketch out what will ultimately arrive at a design. In this design, the line is performing the job of defining other elements, like shapes and changes of tone/texture. This is achieved by putting together vertical, horizontal as well as diagonal lines together. Some lines might be straight, some lines might not, some curve, other don't. But by incorporating all these different styles of lines with one another, you start to form shapes of all sizes which start to from different objects which then start to form a cohesive design. Also, by putting lines near each other or by separating them at a certain distance, you start to create tone/texture which adds to the overall design. Once all these various styles and types of lines come together, a design is formed. In this case, the design is somewhat loose and experimental because of the way the lines were chosen to be used.
SHAPE: Building on the dot, which controls lines, and the line, which describes the contours of shapes, a very specific shape is being used in this design to communicate a certain type of emotion. The composition of this design is diagonal, which implies direction and that direction implies movement. The diagonal composition forms a triangular composition, in which the triangle is the predominant shape on the composition. In this case, the triangle is being used to utilize the feeling of action in the design. To do so, all the diagonal lines on the design happen to meet at a diverging point which then creates a triangle and the impression of going/moving forward. The overall composition and the way the triangle shape was used in it, is very successful in communicating the right emotions associated with this design.